Health Worries for Rich and Poor
December 16, 2019
It will come as no surprise that health concerns weigh on Americans across the wealth spectrum, millionaires included. Fidelity Investments’ most recent Millionaire Outlook Study, which analyzed the investing attitudes and behaviors of some 2,000 households, found that concerns about health were the main source of stress for both millionaires and their less-wealthy counterparts.
More than one-third of both non-millionaire and millionaire investors had health-related concerns, which accounted for the largest proportion of their overall stress. In terms of health, millionaires worried, first, about their weight, then their own health and then their family’s health. For non-millionaires, weight was also first, but it was followed by their family’s health and their own health.
Of the millionaires who reported higher levels of stress, fewer than half said they felt confident about their health. On the other hand, 86 percent of those who reported lower stress levels felt confident about their health.