Month: October 2021

Picking The Annuity That’s Right For You!

Annuities are one way to generate a lifetime income, save for retirement, and leave a financial legacy. However, there are three main types of annuities—fixed, variable, and indexed—so selecting the right one for you can get complicated. A fixed annuity promises that you’ll earn a stated interest rate on your money, resulting in the same payout year after year. […]

How Social Security and Retirement Impact Women

Social Security is neutral with respect to gender—individuals with identical earnings histories are treated the same in terms of benefits. This information from the Social Security Administration (SSA) highlights how the Social Security program impacts women and the specific demographic characteristics of women compared with the entire population. Women tend to earn less than men, […]

Power of Attorney – Who Will Manage Your Estate?

According to the FINRA website: power of attorney is a legal document you sign to grant someone you trust with authority to make decisions on your behalf. You must sign when you’re still mentally competent for your power of attorney to be valid. Planning for the future with a power of attorney could minimize complications […]

Medicare Open Enrollment 2022

Medicare open enrollment – also known as Medicare’s annual election period – runs from October 15 through December 7. During this window, Medicare plan enrollees can reevaluate their coverage and make changes or purchase new policies if they want to do so. For most Americans, Medicare eligibility goes hand in hand with turning 65, but some […]