Month: October 2020

The Importance of Knowing Your Net Worth

As we head toward the finish line of 2020 and gear up for 2021, setting goals and getting your life in order should be a priority. One of the best places to start is by understanding your net worth and determining if you are on track to meet your goals.   Your net worth provides […]

Your Retirement and Required Minimum Distribution FAQs

You have worked hard to build up your retirement savings, but you can’t keep retirement funds in your account indefinitely. However, thanks to the recent SECURE Act, if your 70th birthday is July 1, 2019 or later, you can delay taking withdrawals until you reach age 72. For each year after your required beginning date, […]

How Medicare Plays into Your Estate Planning

Medicare Open Enrollment starts October 15, 2020 and if you’re new to Medicare or if you need to review and make changes, it’s time to talk with your financial professional to ensure your future medical needs will be covered. Additionally, the CARES Act has provided some changes that you should take into consideration. Medicare is […]

Can Baby Boomers Count on Social Security During Retirement?

Social Security (SS) faces a financial challenge from the impending retirement of the largest generation in American history, the 76 million people born in the “baby boom” years (1946 through 1964).  These boomers began to hit retirement age (62) in 2008. With so many retiring, the need for SS payouts is rising faster than the […]